Verkehrssicherheitspotenzial korrekt eingestellter Scheinwerfer

Traffic safety potential of correctly adjusted headlights

Determination of the road safety potential in relation to correctly adjusted headlights In the field of applied research, we are starting a project with the FSD/Zentrale Stelle according to StVG to analyze the glare perception of different headlight technologies and setting values. Subsequently, the potential of checking the headlights as part of the main vehicle inspection and the adjustment accuracy required from the point of view of traffic safety are derived.
Safety Assist Praxis Conference 2020

Safety Assist Praxis Conference 2020

Natural driving behavior studies - Insights into event detection and driver profiling This speech shows a novel study methodology to answer research questions regarding the validation and functional safeguarding of highly complex driving functions. This requires a large number of real driving maneuvers in order to train the automated driving functions for as many traffic scenarios as possible, which can be collected on the basis of driving behavior observations with a smartphone, for example.
11. AHFE Conference 2020

11. AHFE Conference 2020

How Personal Identity influences the Driving Behavior The 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) took place this year in digital format due to the corona virus. Our contribution shows a detailed analysis of the driver's personality in relation to driving behavior, carried out in a real driving study. Based on cluster analysis and linear regression methods, different driver types can be categorized and their relationships in relation to driver individuality can be established.