2nd Impetus Conference 2022

2nd Impetus Conference 2022

Development of a Computationally Efficient FullBiofidel-Dummy Finite Element Model Auf der diesjährigen Impetus Konferenz in Flekkefjord, Norwegen werden Lars und Benjamin mit einem Konferenzbeitrag und einem Stand vertreten...
ZVS Fachbeitrag zur Fahrertypprädiktion

ZVS: Article on driver type prediction

In our article in the magazine ZVS 4/2021 for traffic safety, we show the connection between personality traits and driving characteristics. Statistical methods can be used to predict driver types based on driver-specific characteristics, which have a prediction quality of up to 83 %.
CTS Dummy Konferenz

CTS Dummy Conference

In this paper, Benjamin presents the advances in the development of the Biofidel-Dummy with human characteristics. Here, the real injury patterns of a person involved in a traffic accident can be simulated directly in a crash test involving the Biofidel-Dummy.
12.Crashworkshop TU Freiberg

12. Crashworkshop TU Freiberg

For the development of a simulation model for the Biofidel-Dummy, the material properties and the mechanics of the dummy must have the same properties as a human. Only then is data entry and the construction of a simulative model structure possible. Benjamin's contribution to the 12th Freiberg Crash Workshop gives an insight into the development steps of a CAE model for a biofidel dummy.
Praxiskonferenz Fußgängerschutz

Conference for Pedestrian Protection

Experimental validation of the Biofidel-Dummy At the Pedestrian Protection Conference 2021 in Bergisch Gladbach, Benjamin contributed to the experimental validation of a biofidel dummy. Here, correlations between the damage to the dummy and the human injuries are determined. Among other things, an autopsy of the dummy model, which is carried out by Lars, serves here.
Crash.tech 2021

Crash.tech 2021

In this speech, a biofidel dummy is presented for the evaluation of future interior concepts and novel restraint systems as well as the protection of unprotected road users. The dummy should have the mechanics, fracture and injury properties of a human being and be converted into a simulation model.